Kitchen Table (pic)

Here’s a picture that’s long over-due. 

Pictures of my dining area 3 years ago and now.



October 2012. I cut flowers from the front yard.
The picture on the wall and the figurine are from ROSS (my other favorite store)

The previous homeowner left this dining table and chairs (Thank God).

** I am expecting a female company in a few hours. I bought 2 lobster tails yesterday at Costco. I am so nervous, I’m going to pass out. Wish me luck~!!

First Christmas Gift – 2012

I received my first Christmas gift of 2012 from my new neighbor.

Story continues… 🙂

First Chirstmas Gift 2012

First Sign of Christmas at Costco – July 28, 2012

Today is Saturday, July 28, 2012. It was 92 degrees outside. I didn’t have anything to buy today at Costco, but I dropped by at Costco to look for any sign of Christmas.

And I found them~!! Look at these Christmas ribbons, they look so cute and happy.

This is my first sign of Christmas 2012 at Costco – In July.

And Halloween item at Costco today.


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Terrified – The Weekend of Horror

I was at my computer desk in the living room with the front door opened. I like to open my front door so I can feel the cool, fresh air. It was a beautiful Saturday.

I heard some bird chirping close by. Soon, one bird flew into my apartment. It flew right by my head and flew into my bedroom.

I get scared when I see a bee. Last week a lizard came into my living room and I almost passed out. So, a bird flying in my apartment was terrifying.

My neighbor, an old lady, told me that a smaller bird was being chased by a crow. The bird flew into my apartment to hide, and the crow almost followed in as well.

I grabbed a broom and slowly looked for the bird. It was terrifying. I finally found the bird. I used the broom to chase the bird away, but that backfired. This time I really lost the bird. Now I didn’t even know if the bird was in my apartment or not.

So, I left the door opened… and I fell asleep on the couch.

The old lady’s granddaughter (early teen) woke me from the nap. She asked me to look for the bird again that she would like to keep the bird for herself. And I found the bird inside the bedroom. Oh my God, it was disgusting. The bird grew bigger while I was taking a nap!!

Soon, my neighbor with her granddaughter came into my bedroom, and we shut the door behind us. The bird was flying in my bedroom. This was a nightmare. At one point both the granddaughter and I screamed like a little girl. Then the girl saw me screaming like a girl and started to laugh.

Finally, the grandmother caught the bird with her bare hands. I think she’s got pecked by the bird – she screamed in pain. After a quick photoshoot, she released the bird. I saw the bird reuniting with the family.

I came back home and washed my hands like there was no tomorrow.

PS. The next day my neighbor told me she faked being pecked by the bird to scare me even more.

Update: Next day, Sunday morning.

My other neighbor invited me for a Sunday breakfast. I told her about the bird incident and we had a big laugh. Then I saw my neighbor’s cat. She was playing with what appeared to be a toy lizard.

“Please tell me that is a toy lizard,” I begged to my neighbor. “Oh! not again,” she complained, and she picked up the lizard with her bare hand. With her bare hand!!

I almost lost my breakfast right there. Too much man… too much in one weekend.

Look at that evil face…

Did you notice those two animals have the same facial expression? As if they shared a note…

That’s the same cat from the October 2011 blog.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas 2011 everyone. Have fun.

It’s Friday. I’m still at work, but nobody is working. We are so distracted. I guess we will all go home early today.

It is my goal to have Christmas with my family in my house. I want to have that magic moment, too. I’ll have to find a girlfriend first. Until then, I will keep it positive and enjoy the season as much as I can.

I am having a wonderful time so far.

God bless everyone. God bless single people.

Please be safe.

Green Onions

Smart and Final had a special price on green onions. They were only $0.49 each (bunch). This is when I buy 4 bunches, chop them up, and freeze them. 

I am supposed to dry them before freezing.

I saved $1.20 – $1.60 this way. But, most of all, I will have quick & handy access to green onions for months to come.


Basil Seeds

I’ve been busy. I am still busy.

I spent last weekend alone at my apartment (as usual). I bought a small pot and basil seeds from Home Depot. I decided to give it one more try growing basil – this time from the seeds.

My neighbor’s cat kept looking at me through the fence as I was getting the pot ready. She is my favorite cat. So I stopped what I was doing and played with her for a while. I know all my neighbor’s pets. And they all love me.

I hope I have better luck with basil this time.

It gets cold during the Wintertime. So, I need to the pot inside when I go to sleep.