Costco Green Tea Brew-Off

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    • #1779

      Besides coffee, I also enjoy tea.  I currently have 4 different kinds of green tea.  So, I decided to rate my teas.  It’s a brew-off.

      Check out the cool picture below.

      Costco Japanese Green Tea

      Green Tea – #2 & #3 are from Costco

      Tea Tasted:

      1. Authentic Chinese green tea – from China.  My boss brought it from business trip.  He said it’s supposed to be the best green tea in the world.  It’s a loose leaf tea.
      2. Biglow Green tea – From Costco.  This green tea is a part of a gift box set.  A big box contains 8 containers shown above.  Above box contains 20 tea bags.  The gift box contains several different kinds of tea.
      3. Kirkland Signature’s Japanese Green Tea
      4. Bentley’s Green Tea

      Bently’s Green Tea (4) was cute… but the taste falls far behind contestants 1, 2, and 3.

      Biglow’s Green Tea (2) is pretty decent.  It has European feel to it.  I may drink it occasionally.  But Kirkland’s green tea is definitely better.  I may buy this tea again because the box contains different flavors of quality teas.

      Kirkland’s Japanese Green Tea is very good – The tea bag is made out of nylon mash for fast infusion.  The tea bag contains a lot of fine powder.  You can feel the powder as you drink.  This is a good tea.  It’s yet another proof that you can’t go wrong with Kirkland products.  This is why I love Costco.

      The best tea of them all was the authentic Chinese green tea.  It almost ties with Kirkland’s, but I like Chinese better.  This is loose leaf tea.  Unlike Kirkland’s green tea, this Chinese green tea is not powdery.  I loved the taste, but brewing loose leaf tea is a pain. It’s definitely not something for people on the go.


      I thank Costco for providing such fine products at good price.  Without Costco I wouldn’t know what a fine tea should taste like.  I love how Costco improves my life-style.  There was time I thought Lipton’s Green Tea was pretty good.  Now, Lipton wouldn’t even make this list.  I came a long way.

    • #2037

      I hope that you are driking green tea from Japan harvested and packaged prior to 3-11-2011. Ito en’s green tea come from the areas where affected by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plant accident. They also has packaging facilities located north of Tokyo. It has been repeatedly reported in Japanese news that they are finding much higher level of radiation in tea leaves ever since then.

      As soon as I learned about it, I ran to Costco to buy several boxes manufactured prior to March 2011 to last at least a couple of year while I can find replacements. I hope people who make a purchase decision are aware of the fact.

      • #2038

        I think I’m good.
        The blog was written almost 4 years ago (2008)

        Anyway, that’s a good information. I never thought about that. Thank you for letting me know.

      • #2122


    • #2175

      so now it is 2013… any radioactive concerns with the CostCo Japanese Green Tea? I know if is powdery, so my concerns is actually consuming the tea leaves themselves. Any news on this?

    • #2282

      last year Costco had a road show where someone sold organic Japanese tea and these one cup tea pot infusers that made perfect tea from loose tea. does anyone remember the name of the company, because Costco does not. Thanks.

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