Costco Next

Costco Next ( is an official Costco members-only shopping concept where you get to shop directly from Costco’s partnered vendors.

I assume this is an early phase of the project. There are currently about 50 vendors, and the page layout seems temporary to me. Let’s see if this idea will stick.

They DO have good prices (I think). But, below is my opinion as a savvy shopper. So, don’t read below, really.

I checked out a few stores, and they did not impress me (as a savvy shopper).

I visited Dearforms store. I saw below prices on men’s fuzzy slippers. Their prices ranged from $40 to $60. Maybe they are OK prices, but they don’t strike me as “Costco deals”. Because I can go to Amazon and find the same pair at the same price, some cheaper, and get free shipping as well. (FYI: Amazon has their own fuzzy slippers for $22).

As a savvy shopper, I would like to see a decent pair of fuzzy slippers for $10-$15. Maybe I’ll take a pair for $20 with free shipping. Or they should ship to my local Costco warehouse for free.

Now, below is a pair of Deerforms slippers I bought at Costco in 2018. I paid $9.99. I assume what they sold at Costco were cheaper versions of their in-store slippers. But, $9.99 was a Costco deal. I still own that pair. Dearforms offer free shipping on orders over $45 – so, sucks for you if you buy that $44.99 pair in the middle.

Next, I visited the Invicta store – they only had 4 watches listed. 3 of them were the “Venom” series. Below are two examples. These are huge 51mm watches. We know Invicta for their big fashion watches, door-knobs, as they call them – and you are seeing the door knobs below. Their prices are lower than the street price of $245.

I doubt they will list Pro Diver watches here (their popular model).

To give you a better idea, check out the YouTube video below. This may not be the EXACT watch, but it’s the same model. These watches are for big men or possibly for rappers(?).

I was hoping to see some dress watches at Costco Next.

Anyway, check out

November 2022 Update – Personal

My favorite singer, Gal Costa, died on Nov 9, 2022

I cannot think of any other singer who brings me such joy as Gal Costa. She was 77 years old. God bless her. I am glad I found her by accident many years ago. Her songs hit me differently when I knew she was alive. With her passing, my life will be slightly different. Her music shaped my personality and lifestyle. I often think about what I will listen to at the moment of my death. Gal Costa is the one.

My past blog posts that talk about Gal Costa

I am doing very well

I am sorry; I have slowed down with my blog update. I am still here. I still have the same job. I am still healthy. I haven’t changed much. I still believe a boring life is the best life. There is absolutely no drama in my life.

I lost 7 pounds last 2 months by eating less. I went from 162 lb down to 155 lb. The sole purpose of losing weight is so I can eat like a pig during the holiday season. Now I can gain several pounds and not feel bad about it. I call my diet “The Hunger Games”.

I’ve been spending a lot of time on video recording and editing. I don’t plan on becoming a YouTuber. it’s just fun playing with it.

Doing sit-ups can be bad for you. Very bad.

This is embarrassing, but I hope to save some of you from the months of suffering that I endured. I did some sit-ups last year, and it caused a blister on my buttock (in the awkward area). I thought it would go away, but it didn’t. The blister was there for several months and I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t even examine it visually. The blister gradually became worse and more painful. Finally, before making a doctor’s appointment, I performed a minor procedure on my own. (detail skipped). My blind operation was a success. It took several days to get completely healed.

If this happened to me, this can happen to you. The blister is hard to manage because of where it’s located. If you are sexually active, such a blister can send a wrong impression about you. I don’t know if the blister leaves scars. And if you are not gutsy enough, you’ll have to take this to a doctor. I don’t even want to imagine how I was supposed to show this to a doctor… in missionary style? or doggie style? Terrifying…

There are better ways to work your abs. Do abdominal crunch. Avoid sit-ups (nonononono…).

Costco Shopping & Turkey Coming Up

Next week, I shall go to Costco for a turkey and some treats. I will bake a turkey alone as usual. I am invited to two places for Thanksgiving dinner. But Thanksgiving Day is also my holiday. I want to enjoy the holiday. I want to lie down, watch TV, take a nap, and do whatever I feel like. I shall gain 7 pounds during this holiday season.

Talk to you later!

Costco Cart Cam – Sep 22, 22

Costco Shopping – September 22, 2022

Costco Cart Cam is here!

Oh God, what a waste of time this is. Hahaha.. but this is fun. Costco shopping is fun, and learning video is fun. This is my first try, and I am learning as I go. I try to spend as little time as possible. So my video will be sloppy and choppy. I can make better videos if I get paid. But, I am a grown man with a grown man’s job. I refuse to spend too much time on YouTube.

I spent $240.65. Instant savings saved $27.90

About the 5 cans of European Cookies – I buy these cookies and enjoy them every weekend until the next Christmas season. This is my ritual, and I’ve been doing this for over 10 years now.

Talk to you later.