Guide for Single Living
It’s perfectly OK to freeze your bread (also tortillas, milk, & etc).
If you live alone, feel free to buy Costco bread in bulk. Any bread will freeze well for long term storage.
Costco’s 100% whole wheat bread is amazing in value. Also, it’s good for you (I believe). It’s the only bread I eat every day, 7 days a week.
A loaf of Multi-grain bread is perfect for single living. they are not as big as other breads (see pictures below), so you will finish the entire loaf before it gets old.
* This multi-grain bread will keep you "regular". Trust me.

I tried different bread. They all freeze well for long term storage.
Photographed November 24, 2008

2 loaves of Kirkland Signature bread in freezer. Notice they are smaller than conventional breads (above). They are perfect if you live alone.
Photographed December 27, 2008