Thanksgiving Gourmet Turkey Brine



I love this. I’ve been making my own brine mixes for decades and thought I’d give this one a try about 3 years ago. You use 2 cups of brine to 1 gallon of water. You add the brine to boiling water to re hydrate the fruit etc. It call’s for an additional gallon of water after the brine has cooled to cover the turkey. I use a mix of ice and water.

It has a real smooth blend, nothing is over powering. As I am not usually a fan of spices; cinnamon, cloves of the sorts in my savory food. This is perfect. I love doing one roasted oven turkey and the other smoked. There is always a huge debate on to brine or not. To me its simple, you want a moist turkey, brining helps and adds flavor to the meat. I additionally add butter, garlic and herbs under the skin before cooking. Happy Thanksgiving. Give it a try.