Roasted Garlic Cauli Dip at Costco Midwest

Hello US Midwest Costco shoppers. Your local Costco warehouse is currently selling Roasted Garlic Cauli Dip (Cauliflower Dip) by Boulder Organic Foods. They are available now, and during September 2020.

Warehouse locator and more information at Boulder Organic Foods

I have tasted nothing like this before (in a good way). And I never ate this many carrots in my life. I kept dipping my carrots into it. It’s tasty, and it’s light. So, I thought I would make my cauliflower dip. How hard can it be? Then I learned I need a food processor, and it takes one hour to make it.

Cauli Dip is not only tasty, but I think it’s healthier than other dips in the market. If you are trying to stay in shape, every bite counts. Every healthy alternative count.

Have a nice Labor Day weekend. Talk to you soon.